On the Oregon Trail

On the Oregon Trail
Lauren, Katelyn, Matt and Jonathan

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's late and I think I had too much coffee

It's 12:39 in the morning and I can't sleep. I'm at Lauren and I's new dinner table we found outside by our dumpster, picking up some free wifi off one of our neighbors somewhere in our complex. We are now a 10min walk from campus down the road on Big Bend which is sweet in the sense that it's convenient for Lauren and I don't have to buy a parking pass. Paquita (our black and white tuxedo kitty from OR, Thanks Vince & Lisa)(full name is Paquita Reina) is getting big and she's going through what Lauren calls here insane stage.

But we have almost settled into our apartment. It feels like home and it's nice. We don't have to get internet because we are right next to school and aparrently someone around here is cool we me jumping on their internet from time to time, :D how sweet of them. But yeah Lauren got her job back at the University Center on campus and also landed a job at a local sandwhich shop down the street, which she is excited about. I got my job at Apple back, which was relieving. I'm trying to ride my bike as much as possible so as to save money and the environment and keep myself in shape as I settle back into school and what not. It seems like it's going to be a pretty straight forward semester which will be nice. My sister just moved into the dorms at Webster today so it's going to be exciting to see her around, which means we'll get to hang out a lot more now.
I'm happy we were able to get what we did done with the walk. As we were getting towards the end and I started telling people "we're walking across oregon" and their expressions of "are you crazy?" were a lot more up lifting than "we're walking across america" " we'll you've got a long way to go." I'm proud to say we walked across Oregon, 440+ mi is really exciting. Granted I miss camping and am hoping to get some weekends set aside to do some this semester. It's fun seeing how no matter how much you plan, life always ends up changing somewhere along the lines to something you never expected. I was very blessed by everyone that we ran across. It makes me happy to know that you can just pack up and go and there are going to be people that you can relate to all over the place. I could spend the next four hours writing about everyone we met and how beautiful every one of them were but it really was one of those "you had to be there" trips. I couldn't do them justice on this blog. But seriously I know it's not just Oregon that has all these wonderful people, each and every one of you reading this should walk out your doors and go meet everyone you can and welcome everyone you can into your heart and home. I was graced with the oppertunity to pick up a hiker on his way to ID to try and start life again about a week ago. Start living and living will take you on a ride. Thank you all of you for being you and letting me and our crazy group be a part of you and what little of your life we were a part of. Peace


Nikki said...

Hey Johnathan, I'm glad to hear you are back and settling in. I've been wondering how you two are. Hope to see you around!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon, now that you're back at Webster, I was wondering if you ever got around to finishing those Legless/Armless recordings like you promised me before your summer trip. I'm pretty sure you have my number. If not I'll harrass you on campus.


Anonymous said...

I wish you guys could have come back and stayed with us longer. Glad your all ok. Take Care and I hope you all keep in touch.

Carol Ann & Mark

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! I am glad you all were able to at least walk across Oregon. That is a huge step, and now you will have a story to tell friends and family for years to come. :)

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Well, it has been a month since the last update, I hope you all are doing alright.
I can't wait to hear what becomes of the hole adventure!