After an exciting weekend of buying my backpack at REI on Saturday with tons of help from Danny, the store manager, and walking to and from church Sunday, my Monday and Tuesday have stunk.
Sunday afternoon, after getting back from church, my knee started bothering me. I didn't think too much about it at first, there have been knee twinges since the beginning of March before our big ensemble dance peformance. I thought it was just tiredness, and needed a little time to recuperate. As the night went on, it grew increasingly more stiff. By the end of the night, I was in a lot of pain. My hope was that a good night's rest would solve it all. But I woke up the next morning and could barely walk. I took double the dose of ibuprofen for the pain and to reduce the swelling I could feel. I try to rarely take any medication, but I couldn't stand the pain anymore. I sat out both of my dance classes and signed up to see my dance doctor. I had rehearsal last night for another show I'm in at the beginning of May, and couldn't dance that either. I sat with Janele, my best friend and the other person in the duet, and our choreographer Tara, and cried. Tears of frustration, anger and pain.
Matt, Lauren, Jonathan and I met after my rehearsal, and we worked on routes somemore. We worked a bit on Idaho, but didn't get very far. The three of them prayed for me, and stayed while Jonathan massaged a tight muscle and tendon on the outside of my leg that my dance teachers thought was related to the knee problems.
I met with my dance doctor this morning at 10. He kept me for about an hour.
He looked at my knee and saw that it was swollen, so he used acupuncture to reduce the swelling. I've never had that done before, and it was definately a different experience. He put the needles in both of my knees and lower legs, then attached a special electromagnetic thingy to send electricity through both legs. He left me like that for about 25 minutes. Then he came back and started massaging different parts of my legs...there is a lot of tightness in my lower and upper leg. He released a lot of muscles everywhere, from my foot to the middle of my back. Jonathan's massaging the night before has loosened a little, but there was still a lot left to do, and still pain from it.
I have to go back on Friday for more muscle work.
Dr. Bill doesn't have a specific diagnosis or problem...there is a misalignment in my foot and some problems in my hip. The pain is just centering around my knee. I have to have a couple of more sessions with more releasing to help it. I'm not allowed to dance for the rest of the week until I see him Friday. I can do warm-ups and simple excercises to keep it from stiffening up.
I told him about the walk, and he didn't say anything about me not going or not being healed up in time. He suggested we go to the New Balance by the Esquire. He goes there frequently and they know there stuff.
There is still a possibility that Friday, if things aren't going well with my knee, that he might say that it wouldn't be in my best interest to do this walk. He did say that I should be well enough to perform BFA for the beginning of May.
I'm scared...
Matt sent me this verse this morning:
"Strenghten the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are of a fearful heart, 'Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God, He will come with vengeance, with terrible recompense. He will come and save you.'" Isaiah 35.3-4
On the Oregon Trail

Lauren, Katelyn, Matt and Jonathan
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Dear Katelyn,
Wow! How rotten for you, I'm really sorry. You mentioned a misalignment in your foot, next time you see the Dr. ask him about a Chiropractor. They deal with misalignments all the time, they can do a few adjustments which could have you up and running, walking, and dancing. See if your Dr. can give you a refferal to a good one. Good luck.
Take heart. Your Dad suggests that these are merely hurdles, not road blocks.
The Grant family in Springfield continues to pray for you. Katie is a dancer, too, and says she doesn't know what she'd do if she couldn't dance.
Consider seeing an orthopedic doctor -- the ones who work with bones. I thought I had carpal tunnel, but it turned out to be arthritis in my thumb. A special brace has made all the difference.
God has plans for you. We pray that the desires of your heart will be His desires for your life.
Take good care: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him . . " Romans 8:28.
Katelyn, just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your knee to get better and praying for the trip you four are about to take. I miss you dearly, but you know that already. =)
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
In addition, I've been thinking about this verse as I've been praying about your walk. It was our theme verse for last summer.
Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5
Hope this helps.
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